!function(e, t) { "object" == typeof exports && "object" == typeof module ? module.exports = t() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define("leleplayer", [], t) : "object" == typeof exports ? exports.leleplayer = t() : e.leleplayer = t() }("undefined" != typeof self ? self : this, function() { return function(e) { function t(i) { if (n[i]) return n[i].exports; var a = n[i] = { i: i, l: !1, exports: {} }; return e[i].call(a.exports, a, a.exports, t), a.l = !0, a.exports } var n = {}; return t.m = e, t.c = n, t.d = function(e, n, i) { t.o(e, n) || Object.defineProperty(e, n, { configurable: !1, enumerable: !0, get: i }) } , t.n = function(e) { var n = e && e.__esModule ? function() { return e.default } : function() { return e } ; return t.d(n, "a", n), n } , t.o = function(e, t) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t) } , t.p = "/", t(t.s = 5) }([function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var i = /mobile/i.test(window.navigator.userAgent) , a = { secondToTime: function(e) { var t = function(e) { return e < 10 ? "0" + e : "" + e } , n = Math.floor(e / 3600) , i = Math.floor((e - 3600 * n) / 60) , a = Math.floor(e - 3600 * n - 60 * i); return (n > 0 ? [n, i, a] : [i, a]).map(t).join(":") }, getElementViewLeft: function(e) { var t = e.offsetLeft , n = e.offsetParent , i = document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft; if (document.fullscreenElement || document.mozFullScreenElement || document.webkitFullscreenElement) for (; null !== n && n !== e; ) t += n.offsetLeft, n = n.offsetParent; else for (; null !== n; ) t += n.offsetLeft, n = n.offsetParent; return t - i }, getScrollPosition: function() { return { left: window.pageXOffset || document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft || 0, top: window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop || 0 } }, setScrollPosition: function(e) { var t = e.left , n = void 0 === t ? 0 : t , i = e.top , a = void 0 === i ? 0 : i; this.isFirefox ? (document.documentElement.scrollLeft = n, document.documentElement.scrollTop = a) : window.scrollTo(n, a) }, isMobile: i, isFirefox: /firefox/i.test(window.navigator.userAgent), isChrome: /chrome/i.test(window.navigator.userAgent), storage: { set: function(e, t) { localStorage.setItem(e, t) }, get: function(e) { return localStorage.getItem(e) } }, cumulativeOffset: function(e) { var t = 0 , n = 0; do { t += e.offsetTop || 0, n += e.offsetLeft || 0, e = e.offsetParent } while (e);return { top: t, left: n } }, nameMap: { dragStart: i ? "touchstart" : "mousedown", dragMove: i ? "touchmove" : "mousemove", dragEnd: i ? "touchend" : "mouseup" } }; t.default = a } , function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i, a = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(e) { return typeof e } : function(e) { return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e } ; i = function() { return this }(); try { i = i || Function("return this")() || (0, eval)("this") } catch (e) { "object" === ("undefined" == typeof window ? "undefined" : a(window)) && (i = window) } e.exports = i } , function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function i(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e } } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var a = n(16) , o = i(a) , s = n(17) , r = i(s) , l = n(18) , c = i(l) , u = n(19) , d = i(u) , p = n(20) , h = i(p) , y = n(21) , m = i(y) , f = n(22) , v = i(f) , g = n(23) , b = i(g) , k = n(24) , w = i(k) , x = n(25) , S = i(x) , T = n(26) , L = i(T) , M = n(27) , _ = i(M) , q = n(28) , E = i(q) , B = n(29) , P = i(B) , C = n(30) , O = i(C) , z = n(31) , F = i(z) , I = { play: o.default, pause: r.default, volumeUp: c.default, volumeDown: d.default, volumeOff: h.default, full: m.default, fullWeb: v.default, setting: b.default, right: w.default, comment: S.default, commentOff: L.default, send: _.default, pallette: E.default, camera: P.default, subtitle: O.default, loading: F.default }; t.default = I } , function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; e.exports = n(33) } , function(e, t, n) { var i = n(3); e.exports = function(e) { "use strict"; e = e || {}; var t = "" , n = e.enableSubtitle , a = e.subtitle , o = e.current , s = e.pic , r = i.$escape , l = e.screenshot , c = e.preload , u = e.url , n = a && "webvtt" === a.type; return t += '\n e && this.notice(this.tran("REW") + " " + (this.video.currentTime - e).toFixed(0) + " " + this.tran("s")), this.video.currentTime = e, this.danmaku && this.danmaku.seek(), this.bar.set("played", e / this.video.duration, "width") } }, { key: "play", value: function() { var e = this; if (this.paused = !1, this.video.paused && this.bezel.switch(v.default.play), this.template.playButton.innerHTML = v.default.pause, r.default.resolve(this.video.play()).catch(function() { e.pause() }).then(function() {}), this.time.enable("loading"), this.time.enable("progress"), this.container.classList.remove("leleplayer-paused"), this.container.classList.add("leleplayer-playing"), this.danmaku && this.danmaku.play(), this.options.mutex) for (var t = 0; t < J.length; t++) this !== J[t] && J[t].pause() } }, { key: "pause", value: function() { this.paused = !0, this.container.classList.remove("leleplayer-loading"), this.video.paused || this.bezel.switch(v.default.pause), this.ended = !1, this.template.playButton.innerHTML = v.default.play, this.video.pause(), this.time.disable("loading"), this.time.disable("progress"), this.container.classList.remove("leleplayer-playing"), this.container.classList.add("leleplayer-paused"), this.danmaku && this.danmaku.pause() } }, { key: "switchVolumeIcon", value: function() { this.volume() >= .95 ? this.template.volumeIcon.innerHTML = v.default.volumeUp : this.volume() > 0 ? this.template.volumeIcon.innerHTML = v.default.volumeDown : this.template.volumeIcon.innerHTML = v.default.volumeOff } }, { key: "volume", value: function(e, t, n) { if (e = parseFloat(e), !isNaN(e)) { e = Math.max(e, 0), e = Math.min(e, 1), this.bar.set("volume", e, "width"); var i = (100 * e).toFixed(0) + "%"; this.template.volumeBarWrapWrap.dataset.balloon = i, t || this.user.set("volume", e), n || this.notice(this.tran("Volume") + " " + (100 * e).toFixed(0) + "%"), this.video.volume = e, this.video.muted && (this.video.muted = !1), this.switchVolumeIcon() } return this.video.volume } }, { key: "toggle", value: function() { this.video.paused ? this.play() : this.pause() } }, { key: "on", value: function(e, t) { this.events.on(e, t) } }, { key: "switchVideo", value: function(e, t) { this.pause(), this.video.poster = e.pic ? e.pic : "", this.video.src = e.url, this.initMSE(this.video, e.type || "auto"), t && (this.template.danmakuLoading.style.display = "block", this.bar.set("played", 0, "width"), this.bar.set("loaded", 0, "width"), this.template.ptime.innerHTML = "00:00", this.template.danmaku.innerHTML = "", this.danmaku && this.danmaku.reload({ id: t.id, address: t.api, token: t.token, maximum: t.maximum, addition: t.addition, user: t.user })) } }, { key: "initMSE", value: function(e, t) { var n = this; if (this.type = t, this.options.video.customType && this.options.video.customType[t]) "[object Function]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(this.options.video.customType[t]) ? this.options.video.customType[t](this.video, this) : console.error("Illegal customType: " + t); else switch ("auto" === this.type && (/m3u8(#|\?|$)/i.exec(e.src) ? this.type = "hls" : /.flv(#|\?|$)/i.exec(e.src) ? this.type = "flv" : /.mpd(#|\?|$)/i.exec(e.src) ? this.type = "dash" : this.type = "normal"), this.type) { case "hls": if (Hls) if (Hls.isSupported()) { var i = new Hls; i.loadSource(e.src), i.attachMedia(e) } else this.notice(""); else this.notice("Error: Can't find Hls."); break; case "flv": if (flvjs && flvjs.isSupported()) if (flvjs.isSupported()) { var a = flvjs.createPlayer({ type: "flv", url: e.src }); a.attachMediaElement(e), a.load() } else this.notice("Error: flvjs is not supported."); else this.notice("Error: Can't find flvjs."); break; case "dash": dashjs ? dashjs.MediaPlayer().create().initialize(e, e.src, !1) : this.notice("Error: Can't find dashjs."); break; case "webtorrent": if (WebTorrent) if (WebTorrent.WEBRTC_SUPPORT) { this.container.classList.add("leleplayer-loading"); var o = new WebTorrent , s = e.src; o.add(s, function(e) { e.files.find(function(e) { return e.name.endsWith(".mp4") }).renderTo(n.video, { autoplay: n.options.autoplay }, function() { n.container.classList.remove("leleplayer-loading") }) }) } else this.notice("Error: Webtorrent is not supported."); else this.notice("Error: Can't find Webtorrent.") } } }, { key: "initVideo", value: function(e, t) { var n = this; this.initMSE(e, t), this.on("durationchange", function() { 1 !== e.duration && (n.template.dtime.innerHTML = c.default.secondToTime(e.duration)) }), this.on("progress", function() { var t = e.buffered.length ? e.buffered.end(e.buffered.length - 1) / e.duration : 0; n.bar.set("loaded", t, "width") }), this.on("error", function() { setTimeout(function() { if(document.getElementById('link3-error') != null){ document.getElementById('link3-error').style.display = "block"; } }, 5 * 1000), n.tran && n.notice && (n.type, n.notice(n.tran("This video fails to load"), -1)) }), this.ended = !1, this.on("ended", function() { n.bar.set("played", 1, "width"), n.setting.loop ? (n.seek(0), e.play()) : (n.ended = !0, n.pause()), n.danmaku && (n.danmaku.danIndex = 0) }), this.on("play", function() { n.paused && n.play() }), this.on("pause", function() { n.paused || n.pause() }); for (var i = 0; i < this.events.videoEvents.length; i++) !function(t) { e.addEventListener(n.events.videoEvents[t], function() { n.events.trigger(n.events.videoEvents[t]) }) }(i); this.volume(this.user.get("volume"), !0, !0), this.options.subtitle && (this.subtitle = new _.default(this.template.subtitle,this.video,this.options.subtitle,this.events), this.user.get("subtitle") || this.subtitle.hide()) } }, { key: "switchQuality", value: function(e) { var t = this; if (this.qualityIndex !== e && !this.switchingQuality) { this.qualityIndex = e, this.switchingQuality = !0, this.quality = this.options.video.quality[e], this.template.qualityButton.innerHTML = this.quality.name; var n = this.video.paused; this.video.pause(); var i = (0, $.default)({ current: !1, pic: null, screenshot: this.options.screenshot, preload: "auto", url: this.quality.url, subtitle: this.options.subtitle }) , a = (new DOMParser).parseFromString(i, "text/html").body.firstChild; this.template.videoWrap.insertBefore(a, this.template.videoWrap.getElementsByTagName("div")[0]), this.prevVideo = this.video, this.video = a, this.initVideo(this.video, this.quality.type || this.options.video.type), this.seek(this.prevVideo.currentTime), this.notice(this.tran("Switching to") + " " + this.quality.name + " " + this.tran("quality"), -1), this.events.trigger("quality_start", this.quality), this.on("canplay", function() { if (t.prevVideo) { if (t.video.currentTime !== t.prevVideo.currentTime) return void t.seek(t.prevVideo.currentTime); t.template.videoWrap.removeChild(t.prevVideo), t.video.classList.add("leleplayer-video-current"), n || t.video.play(), t.prevVideo = null, t.notice(t.tran("Switched to") + " " + t.quality.name + " " + t.tran("quality")), t.switchingQuality = !1, t.events.trigger("quality_end") } }) } } }, { key: "notice", value: function(e) { var t = this , n = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 2e3 , i = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : .8; this.template.notice.innerHTML = e, this.template.notice.style.opacity = i, this.noticeTime && clearTimeout(this.noticeTime), this.events.trigger("notice_show", e), this.noticeTime = setTimeout(function() { t.template.notice.style.opacity = 0, t.events.trigger("notice_hide") }, n) } }, { key: "resize", value: function() { this.danmaku && this.danmaku.resize(), this.events.trigger("resize") } }, { key: "speed", value: function(e) { this.video.playbackRate = e } }, { key: "destroy", value: function() { J.splice(J.indexOf(this), 1), this.pause(), this.controller.destroy(), this.time.destroy(), this.video.src = "", this.container.innerHTML = "", this.events.trigger("destroy"); for (var e in this) this.hasOwnProperty(e) && "paused" !== e && delete this[e] } }]), e }(); t.default = Y } , function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; (function(t) { function n() {} function i(e, t) { return function() { e.apply(t, arguments) } } function a(e) { if (!(this instanceof a)) throw new TypeError("Promises must be constructed via new"); if ("function" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("not a function"); this._state = 0, this._handled = !1, this._value = void 0, this._deferreds = [], u(e, this) } function o(e, t) { for (; 3 === e._state; ) e = e._value; if (0 === e._state) return void e._deferreds.push(t); e._handled = !0, a._immediateFn(function() { var n = 1 === e._state ? t.onFulfilled : t.onRejected; if (null === n) return void (1 === e._state ? s : r)(t.promise, e._value); var i; try { i = n(e._value) } catch (e) { return void r(t.promise, e) } s(t.promise, i) }) } function s(e, t) { try { if (t === e) throw new TypeError("A promise cannot be resolved with itself."); if (t && ("object" === (void 0 === t ? "undefined" : d(t)) || "function" == typeof t)) { var n = t.then; if (t instanceof a) return e._state = 3, e._value = t, void l(e); if ("function" == typeof n) return void u(i(n, t), e) } e._state = 1, e._value = t, l(e) } catch (t) { r(e, t) } } function r(e, t) { e._state = 2, e._value = t, l(e) } function l(e) { 2 === e._state && 0 === e._deferreds.length && a._immediateFn(function() { e._handled || a._unhandledRejectionFn(e._value) }); for (var t = 0, n = e._deferreds.length; t < n; t++) o(e, e._deferreds[t]); e._deferreds = null } function c(e, t, n) { this.onFulfilled = "function" == typeof e ? e : null, this.onRejected = "function" == typeof t ? t : null, this.promise = n } function u(e, t) { var n = !1; try { e(function(e) { n || (n = !0, s(t, e)) }, function(e) { n || (n = !0, r(t, e)) }) } catch (e) { if (n) return; n = !0, r(t, e) } } var d = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(e) { return typeof e } : function(e) { return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e } , p = setTimeout; a.prototype.catch = function(e) { return this.then(null, e) } , a.prototype.then = function(e, t) { var i = new this.constructor(n); return o(this, new c(e,t,i)), i } , a.all = function(e) { return new a(function(t, n) { function i(e, s) { try { if (s && ("object" === (void 0 === s ? "undefined" : d(s)) || "function" == typeof s)) { var r = s.then; if ("function" == typeof r) return void r.call(s, function(t) { i(e, t) }, n) } a[e] = s, 0 == --o && t(a) } catch (e) { n(e) } } if (!e || void 0 === e.length) throw new TypeError("Promise.all accepts an array"); var a = Array.prototype.slice.call(e); if (0 === a.length) return t([]); for (var o = a.length, s = 0; s < a.length; s++) i(s, a[s]) } ) } , a.resolve = function(e) { return e && "object" === (void 0 === e ? "undefined" : d(e)) && e.constructor === a ? e : new a(function(t) { t(e) } ) } , a.reject = function(e) { return new a(function(t, n) { n(e) } ) } , a.race = function(e) { return new a(function(t, n) { for (var i = 0, a = e.length; i < a; i++) e[i].then(t, n) } ) } , a._immediateFn = "function" == typeof t && function(e) { t(e) } || function(e) { p(e, 0) } , a._unhandledRejectionFn = function(e) { "undefined" != typeof console && console && console.warn("Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection:", e) } , e.exports = a } ).call(t, n(9).setImmediate) } , function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function i(e, t) { this._id = e, this._clearFn = t } var a = Function.prototype.apply; t.setTimeout = function() { return new i(a.call(setTimeout, window, arguments),clearTimeout) } , t.setInterval = function() { return new i(a.call(setInterval, window, arguments),clearInterval) } , t.clearTimeout = t.clearInterval = function(e) { e && e.close() } , i.prototype.unref = i.prototype.ref = function() {} , i.prototype.close = function() { this._clearFn.call(window, this._id) } , t.enroll = function(e, t) { clearTimeout(e._idleTimeoutId), e._idleTimeout = t } , t.unenroll = function(e) { clearTimeout(e._idleTimeoutId), e._idleTimeout = -1 } , t._unrefActive = t.active = function(e) { clearTimeout(e._idleTimeoutId); var t = e._idleTimeout; t >= 0 && (e._idleTimeoutId = setTimeout(function() { e._onTimeout && e._onTimeout() }, t)) } , n(10), t.setImmediate = setImmediate, t.clearImmediate = clearImmediate } , function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; (function(e, t) { !function(e, n) { function i(e) { "function" != typeof e && (e = new Function("" + e)); for (var t = new Array(arguments.length - 1), n = 0; n < t.length; n++) t[n] = arguments[n + 1]; var i = { callback: e, args: t }; return c[l] = i, r(l), l++ } function a(e) { delete c[e] } function o(e) { var t = e.callback , i = e.args; switch (i.length) { case 0: t(); break; case 1: t(i[0]); break; case 2: t(i[0], i[1]); break; case 3: t(i[0], i[1], i[2]); break; default: t.apply(n, i) } } function s(e) { if (u) setTimeout(s, 0, e); else { var t = c[e]; if (t) { u = !0; try { o(t) } finally { a(e), u = !1 } } } } if (!e.setImmediate) { var r, l = 1, c = {}, u = !1, d = e.document, p = Object.getPrototypeOf && Object.getPrototypeOf(e); p = p && p.setTimeout ? p : e, "[object process]" === {}.toString.call(e.process) ? function() { r = function(e) { t.nextTick(function() { s(e) }) } }() : function() { if (e.postMessage && !e.importScripts) { var t = !0 , n = e.onmessage; return e.onmessage = function() { t = !1 } , e.postMessage("", "*"), e.onmessage = n, t } }() ? function() { var t = "setImmediate$" + Math.random() + "$" , n = function(n) { n.source === e && "string" == typeof n.data && 0 === n.data.indexOf(t) && s(+n.data.slice(t.length)) }; e.addEventListener ? e.addEventListener("message", n, !1) : e.attachEvent("onmessage", n), r = function(n) { e.postMessage(t + n, "*") } }() : e.MessageChannel ? function() { var e = new MessageChannel; e.port1.onmessage = function(e) { s(e.data) } , r = function(t) { e.port2.postMessage(t) } }() : d && "onreadystatechange"in d.createElement("script") ? function() { var e = d.documentElement; r = function(t) { var n = d.createElement("script"); n.onreadystatechange = function() { s(t), n.onreadystatechange = null, e.removeChild(n), n = null } , e.appendChild(n) } }() : function() { r = function(e) { setTimeout(s, 0, e) } }(), p.setImmediate = i, p.clearImmediate = a } }("undefined" == typeof self ? void 0 === e ? void 0 : e : self) } ).call(t, n(1), n(11)) } , function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function i() { throw new Error("setTimeout has not been defined") } function a() { throw new Error("clearTimeout has not been defined") } function o(e) { if (d === setTimeout) return setTimeout(e, 0); if ((d === i || !d) && setTimeout) return d = setTimeout, setTimeout(e, 0); try { return d(e, 0) } catch (t) { try { return d.call(null, e, 0) } catch (t) { return d.call(this, e, 0) } } } function s(e) { if (p === clearTimeout) return clearTimeout(e); if ((p === a || !p) && clearTimeout) return p = clearTimeout, clearTimeout(e); try { return p(e) } catch (t) { try { return p.call(null, e) } catch (t) { return p.call(this, e) } } } function r() { f && y && (f = !1, y.length ? m = y.concat(m) : v = -1, m.length && l()) } function l() { if (!f) { var e = o(r); f = !0; for (var t = m.length; t; ) { for (y = m, m = []; ++v < t; ) y && y[v].run(); v = -1, t = m.length } y = null, f = !1, s(e) } } function c(e, t) { this.fun = e, this.array = t } function u() {} var d, p, h = e.exports = {}; !function() { try { d = "function" == typeof setTimeout ? setTimeout : i } catch (e) { d = i } try { p = "function" == typeof clearTimeout ? clearTimeout : a } catch (e) { p = a } }(); var y, m = [], f = !1, v = -1; h.nextTick = function(e) { var t = new Array(arguments.length - 1); if (arguments.length > 1) for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) t[n - 1] = arguments[n]; m.push(new c(e,t)), 1 !== m.length || f || o(l) } , c.prototype.run = function() { this.fun.apply(null, this.array) } , h.title = "browser", h.browser = !0, h.env = {}, h.argv = [], h.version = "", h.versions = {}, h.on = u, h.addListener = u, h.once = u, h.off = u, h.removeListener = u, h.removeAllListeners = u, h.emit = u, h.prependListener = u, h.prependOnceListener = u, h.listeners = function(e) { return [] } , h.binding = function(e) { throw new Error("process.binding is not supported") } , h.cwd = function() { return "/" } , h.chdir = function(e) { throw new Error("process.chdir is not supported") } , h.umask = function() { return 0 } } , function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var i = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(e) { return typeof e } : function(e) { return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e } , a = n(13) , o = function(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e } }(a); t.default = function(e) { var t = { container: e.element || document.getElementsByClassName("leleplayer")[0], live: !1, autoplay: !1, theme: "#b7daff", loop: !1, lang: (navigator.language || navigator.browserLanguage).toLowerCase(), screenshot: !1, hotkey: !0, preload: "auto", volume: .7, apiBackend: o.default, video: {}, contextmenu: [], mutex: !0 }; for (var n in t) t.hasOwnProperty(n) && !e.hasOwnProperty(n) && (e[n] = t[n]); return e.video && !e.video.type && (e.video.type = "auto"), "object" === i(e.danmaku) && e.danmaku && !e.danmaku.user && (e.danmaku.user = "DIYgod"), e.subtitle && (!e.subtitle.type && (e.subtitle.type = "webvtt"), !e.subtitle.fontSize && (e.subtitle.fontSize = "20px"), !e.subtitle.bottom && (e.subtitle.bottom = "40px"), !e.subtitle.color && (e.subtitle.color = "#fff")), e.video.quality && (e.video.url = [e.video.quality[e.video.defaultQuality].url]), e.lang && (e.lang = e.lang.toLowerCase()), e.contextmenu = e.contextmenu.concat([{ text: "Video info", click: function(e) { e.infoPanel.triggle() } }, { text: config.yjtest, link: config.yjrule, tzym: "_blank" }]), e } } , function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var i = function(e, t, n, i, a) { var o = new XMLHttpRequest; o.onreadystatechange = function() { if (4 === o.readyState) { if (o.status >= 200 && o.status < 300 || 304 === o.status) { var e = JSON.parse(o.responseText); return 23 !== e.code ? i(o, e) : n(o, e) } a(o) } } , o.open(null !== t ? "POST" : "GET", e, !0), o.send(null !== t ? JSON.stringify(t) : null) }; t.default = { send: function(e, t, n) { i(e, t, function(e, t) { console.log("发送弹幕成功"), n && n() }, function(e, t) { alert(t.msg) }, function(e) { console.log("Request was unsuccessful: " + e.status) }) }, read: function(e, t) { i(e, null, function(e, n) { t(null, n.danmuku) }, function(e, n) { t({ status: e.status, response: n }) }, function(e) { t({ status: e.status, response: null }) }) } } } , function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function i(e) { var t = this; this.lang = e, this.tran = function(e) { return a[t.lang] && a[t.lang][e] ? a[t.lang][e] : e } } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var a = { "zh-cn": { "Danmaku is loading": "弹幕加载中", Top: "顶部", Bottom: "底部", Rolling: "滚动", "Input danmaku, hit Enter": "发个弹幕见证当下", "About author": "关于作者", "leleplayer feedback": "播放器意见反馈", "About ipian": "关于爱片网播放器", Loop: "洗脑循环", Speed: "速度", "Opacity for danmaku": "弹幕透明度", Normal: "正常", "Please input danmaku content!": "要输入弹幕内容啊喂!", "Set danmaku color": "弹幕颜色", "Set danmaku type": "弹幕模式", "Show danmaku": "显示弹幕", "This video fails to load": "视频加载失败", "Switching to": "正在切换至", "Switched to": "已经切换至", quality: "画质", FF: "快进", REW: "快退", "Unlimited danmaku": "海量弹幕", "Send danmaku": "发送弹幕", Setting: "设置", "Full screen": "全屏", "Picture in picture": "画中画", Send: "发送", Screenshot: "截图", s: "秒", "Show subtitle": "显示字幕", "Hide subtitle": "隐藏字幕", Volume: "音量", Live: "直播", "Video info": "视频统计信息" }, "zh-tw": { "Danmaku is loading": "彈幕加載中", Top: "頂部", Bottom: "底部", Rolling: "滾動", "Input danmaku, hit Enter": "輸入彈幕,Enter 發送", "About author": "關於作者", "leleplayer feedback": "播放器意見反饋", "About ipian": "關於愛片網播放器", Loop: "循環播放", Speed: "速度", "Opacity for danmaku": "彈幕透明度", Normal: "正常", "Please input danmaku content!": "請輸入彈幕内容啊!", "Set danmaku color": "設置彈幕顏色", "Set danmaku type": "設置彈幕類型", "Show danmaku": "顯示彈幕", "This video fails to load": "視頻加載失敗", "Switching to": "正在切換至", "Switched to": "已經切換至", quality: "畫質", FF: "快進", REW: "快退", "Unlimited danmaku": "海量彈幕", "Send danmaku": "發送彈幕", Setting: "設置", "Full screen": "全屏", "Picture in picture": "頁面全屏", Send: "發送", Screenshot: "截圖", s: "秒", "Show subtitle": "顯示字幕", "Hide subtitle": "隱藏字幕", Volume: "音量", Live: "直播", "Video info": "視頻統計信息" } }; t.default = i } , function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function i(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e } } function a(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var o = function() { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var i = t[n]; i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value"in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, i.key, i) } } return function(t, n, i) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), i && e(t, i), t } }() , s = n(2) , r = i(s) , l = n(32) , c = i(l) , u = function() { function e(t) { a(this, e), this.container = t.container, this.options = t.options, this.index = t.index, this.tran = t.tran, this.init() } return o(e, [{ key: "init", value: function() { this.container.innerHTML = (0, c.default)({ options: this.options, index: this.index, tran: this.tran, icons: r.default, video: { current: !0, pic: this.options.video.pic, screenshot: this.options.screenshot, preload: this.options.preload, url: this.options.video.url, subtitle: this.options.subtitle } }), this.volumeBar = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-volume-bar-inner"), this.volumeBarWrap = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-volume-bar"), this.volumeBarWrapWrap = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-volume-bar-wrap"), this.volumeButton = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-volume"), this.volumeIcon = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-volume-icon .leleplayer-icon-content"), this.playedBar = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-played"), this.loadedBar = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-loaded"), this.playedBarWrap = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-bar-wrap"), this.playedBarTime = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-bar-time"), this.danmaku = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-danmaku"), this.danmakuLoading = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-danloading"), this.video = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-video-current"), this.bezel = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-bezel-icon"), this.playButton = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-play-icon"), this.videoWrap = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-video-wrap"), this.controllerMask = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-controller-mask"), this.ptime = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-ptime"), this.settingButton = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-setting-icon"), this.settingBox = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-setting-box"), this.mask = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-mask"), this.loop = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-setting-loop"), this.loopToggle = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-setting-loop .leleplayer-toggle-setting-input"), this.showDanmaku = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-setting-showdan"), this.showDanmakuToggle = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-showdan-setting-input"), this.unlimitDanmaku = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-setting-danunlimit"), this.unlimitDanmakuToggle = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-danunlimit-setting-input"), this.speed = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-setting-speed"), this.speedItem = this.container.querySelectorAll(".leleplayer-setting-speed-item"), this.danmakuOpacityBar = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-danmaku-bar-inner"), this.danmakuOpacityBarWrap = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-danmaku-bar"), this.danmakuOpacityBarWrapWrap = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-danmaku-bar-wrap"), this.danmakuOpacityBox = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-setting-danmaku"), this.dtime = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-dtime"), this.controller = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-controller"), this.commentInput = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-comment-input"), this.commentButton = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-comment-icon"), this.lelecomment = this.container.querySelector(".lele-leleplayer-comment-input"), this.commentSettingBox = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-comment-setting-box"), this.commentSettingButton = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-comment-setting-icon"), this.commentSettingFill = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-comment-setting-icon path"), this.commentSendButton = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-send-icon"), this.commentSendFill = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-send-icon path"), this.commentColorSettingBox = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-comment-setting-color"), this.browserFullButton = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-full-icon"), this.webFullButton = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-full-in-icon"), this.menu = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-menu"), this.menuItem = this.container.querySelectorAll(".leleplayer-menu-item"), this.qualityList = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-quality-list"), this.camareButton = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-camera-icon"), this.subtitleButton = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-subtitle-icon"), this.subtitleButtonInner = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-subtitle-icon .leleplayer-icon-content"), this.subtitle = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-subtitle"), this.qualityButton = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-quality-icon"), this.barPreview = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-bar-preview"), this.barWrap = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-bar-wrap"), this.notice = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-notice"), this.infoPanel = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-info-panel"), this.infoPanelClose = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-info-panel-close"), this.infoVersion = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-info-panel-item-version .leleplayer-info-panel-item-data"), this.infoFPS = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-info-panel-item-fps .leleplayer-info-panel-item-data"), this.infoType = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-info-panel-item-type .leleplayer-info-panel-item-data"), this.infoUrl = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-info-panel-item-url .leleplayer-info-panel-item-data"), this.infoResolution = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-info-panel-item-resolution .leleplayer-info-panel-item-data"), this.infoDuration = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-info-panel-item-duration .leleplayer-info-panel-item-data"), this.infoDanmakuId = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-info-panel-item-danmaku-id .leleplayer-info-panel-item-data"), this.infoDanmakuApi = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-info-panel-item-danmaku-api .leleplayer-info-panel-item-data"), this.infoDanmakuAmount = this.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-info-panel-item-danmaku-amount .leleplayer-info-panel-item-data") } }]), e }(); t.default = u } , function(e, t) { e.exports = '' } , function(e, t) { e.exports = '' } , function(e, t) { e.exports = '' } , function(e, t) { e.exports = '' } , function(e, t) { e.exports = '' } , function(e, t) { e.exports = '' } , function(e, t) { e.exports = '' } , function(e, t) { e.exports = '' } , function(e, t) { e.exports = '' } , function(e, t) { e.exports = '' } , function(e, t) { e.exports = '' } , function(e, t) { e.exports = '' } , function(e, t) { e.exports = '' } , function(e, t) { e.exports = '' } , function(e, t) { e.exports = '' } , function(e, t) { e.exports = '' } , function(e, t, n) { var i = n(3); e.exports = function(e) { "use strict"; e = e || {}; var t = "" , a = (arguments[1], e.video) , o = e.options , s = i.$escape , r = e.tran , l = e.icons , c = e.index , u = i.$each; e.$value, e.$index; return t += '

\n ', function(e) { t += e }(n(4)(a)), t += "\n ", o.logo && (t += '\n \n '), t += '\n
]/; s.$escape = function(e) { return a(i(e)) } , s.$each = function(e, t) { if (Array.isArray(e)) for (var n = 0, i = e.length; n < i; n++) t(e[n], n); else for (var a in e) t(e[a], a) } , e.exports = s } ).call(t, n(1)) } , function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; (function(t) { e.exports = !1; try { e.exports = "[object process]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(t.process) } catch (e) {} } ).call(t, n(1)) } , function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function i(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var a = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(e) { return typeof e } : function(e) { return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e } , o = function() { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var i = t[n]; i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value"in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, i.key, i) } } return function(t, n, i) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), i && e(t, i), t } }() , s = function() { function e(t) { i(this, e), this.options = t, this.container = this.options.container, this.danTunnel = { right: {}, top: {}, bottom: {} }, this.danIndex = 0, this.dan = [], this.showing = !0, this._opacity = this.options.opacity, this.events = this.options.events, this.unlimited = this.options.unlimited, this._measure(""), this.load() } return o(e, [{ key: "load", value: function() { var e = this , t = void 0; t = this.options.api.maximum ? this.options.api.address + "&id=" + this.options.api.id + "&max=" + this.options.api.maximum : this.options.api.address + "&id=" + this.options.api.id; var n = (this.options.api.addition || []).slice(0); n.push(t), this.events && this.events.trigger("danmaku_load_start", n), this._readAllEndpoints(n, function(t) { e.dan = [].concat.apply([], t).sort(function(e, t) { return e.time - t.time }), window.requestAnimationFrame(function() { e.frame() }), e.options.callback(), e.events && e.events.trigger("danmaku_load_end") }) } }, { key: "reload", value: function(e) { this.options.api = e, this.dan = [], this.clear(), this.load() } }, { key: "_readAllEndpoints", value: function(e, t) { for (var n = this, i = [], a = 0, o = 0; o < e.length; ++o) this.options.apiBackend.read(e[o], function(o) { return function(s, r) { if (++a, s) s.response ? n.options.error(s.response.msg) : n.options.error("弹幕加载失败:" + s.status), i[o] = []; else { var l = ["right", "top", "bottom"]; i[o] = r ? r.map(function(e) { return { time: e[0], type: e[1], color: e[2], author: e[3], text: e[4], size: e[7] } }) : [] } if (a === e.length) return t(i) } }(o)) } }, { key: "send", value: function(e, t) { var lydz = document.referrer; if (lydz == '') { lydz = document.URL; } var n = { token: this.options.api.token, player: this.options.api.id, author: this.options.api.user, time: this.options.time(), text: e.text, color: e.color, type: e.type, size: e.size, referer: lydz, }; this.options.apiBackend.send(this.options.api.address, n, t), this.dan.splice(this.danIndex, 0, n), this.danIndex++; var i = { text: this.htmlEncode(n.text), color: n.color, type: n.type, size: n.size, border: "2px solid " + this.options.borderColor }; this.draw(i), this.events && this.events.trigger("danmaku_send", n) } }, { key: "frame", value: function() { var e = this; if (this.dan.length && !this.paused && this.showing) { for (var t = this.dan[this.danIndex], n = []; t && this.options.time() > parseFloat(t.time); ) n.push(t), t = this.dan[++this.danIndex]; this.draw(n) } window.requestAnimationFrame(function() { e.frame() }) } }, { key: "opacity", value: function(e) { if (void 0 !== e) { for (var t = this.container.getElementsByClassName("leleplayer-danmaku-item"), n = 0; n < t.length; n++) t[n].style.opacity = e; this._opacity = e, this.events && this.events.trigger("danmaku_opacity", this._opacity) } return this._opacity } }, { key: "draw", value: function(e) { var t = this; if (this.showing) { var n = this.options.height , i = this.container.offsetWidth , o = this.container.offsetHeight , s = parseInt(o / n) , r = function(e) { var n = e.offsetWidth || parseInt(e.style.width) , i = e.getBoundingClientRect().right || t.container.getBoundingClientRect().right + n; return t.container.getBoundingClientRect().right - i } , l = function(e) { return (i + e) / 5 } , c = function(e, n, o) { for (var c = i / l(o), u = 0; t.unlimited || u < s; u++) { var d = function(a) { var o = t.danTunnel[n][a + ""]; if (!o || !o.length) return t.danTunnel[n][a + ""] = [e], e.addEventListener("animationend", function() { t.danTunnel[n][a + ""].splice(0, 1) }), { v: a % s }; if ("right" !== n) return "continue"; for (var u = 0; u < o.length; u++) { var d = r(o[u]) - 10; if (d <= i - c * l(parseInt(o[u].style.width)) || d <= 0) break; if (u === o.length - 1) return t.danTunnel[n][a + ""].push(e), e.addEventListener("animationend", function() { t.danTunnel[n][a + ""].splice(0, 1) }), { v: a % s } } }(u); switch (d) { case "continue": continue; default: if ("object" === (void 0 === d ? "undefined" : a(d))) return d.v } } return -1 }; "[object Array]" !== Object.prototype.toString.call(e) && (e = [e]); for (var u = document.createDocumentFragment(), d = 0; d < e.length; d++) !function(a) { e[a].type || (e[a].type = "right"), e[a].color || (e[a].color = "#fff"); e[a].size || (e[a].fontSize = "27.5px"); var o = document.createElement("div"); o.classList.add("leleplayer-danmaku-item"), o.classList.add("leleplayer-danmaku-" + e[a].type), e[a].border ? o.innerHTML = '' + e[a].text + "" : o.innerHTML = e[a].text, o.style.opacity = t._opacity, o.style.color = e[a].color, o.style.fontSize = e[a].size, o.addEventListener("animationend", function() { t.container.removeChild(o) }); var s = t._measure(e[a].text) , r = void 0; switch (e[a].type) { case "right": r = c(o, e[a].type, s), r >= 0 && (o.style.width = s + 1 + "px", o.style.top = n * r + "px", o.style.transform = "translateX(-" + i + "px)"); break; case "top": r = c(o, e[a].type), r >= 0 && (o.style.top = n * r + "px"); break; case "bottom": r = c(o, e[a].type), r >= 0 && (o.style.bottom = n * r + "px"); break; default: console.error("Can't handled danmaku type: " + e[a].type) } r >= 0 && (o.classList.add("leleplayer-danmaku-move"), u.appendChild(o)) }(d); return this.container.appendChild(u), u } } }, { key: "play", value: function() { this.paused = !1 } }, { key: "pause", value: function() { this.paused = !0 } }, { key: "_measure", value: function(e) { if (!this.context) { var t = getComputedStyle(this.container.getElementsByClassName("leleplayer-danmaku-item")[0], null); this.context = document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d"), this.context.font = t.getPropertyValue("font") } return this.context.measureText(e).width } }, { key: "seek", value: function() { this.clear(); for (var e = 0; e < this.dan.length; e++) { if (this.dan[e].time >= this.options.time()) { this.danIndex = e; break } this.danIndex = this.dan.length } } }, { key: "clear", value: function() { this.danTunnel = { right: {}, top: {}, bottom: {} }, this.danIndex = 0, this.options.container.innerHTML = "", this.events && this.events.trigger("danmaku_clear") } }, { key: "htmlEncode", value: function(e) { return e.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(//g, ">").replace(/"/g, """).replace(/'/g, "'").replace(/\//g, "/") } }, { key: "resize", value: function() { for (var e = this.container.offsetWidth, t = this.container.getElementsByClassName("leleplayer-danmaku-item"), n = 0; n < t.length; n++) t[n].style.transform = "translateX(-" + e + "px)" } }, { key: "hide", value: function() { this.showing = !1, this.pause(), this.clear(), this.events && this.events.trigger("danmaku_hide") } }, { key: "show", value: function() { this.seek(), this.showing = !0, this.play(), this.events && this.events.trigger("danmaku_show") } }, { key: "unlimit", value: function(e) { this.unlimited = e } }]), e }(); t.default = s } , function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function i(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var a = function() { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var i = t[n]; i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value"in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, i.key, i) } } return function(t, n, i) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), i && e(t, i), t } }() , o = function() { function e() { i(this, e), this.events = {}, this.videoEvents = ["abort", "canplay", "canplaythrough", "durationchange", "emptied", "ended", "error", "loadeddata", "loadedmetadata", "loadstart", "mozaudioavailable", "pause", "play", "playing", "progress", "ratechange", "seeked", "seeking", "stalled", "suspend", "timeupdate", "volumechange", "waiting"], this.playerEvents = ["screenshot", "thumbnails_show", "thumbnails_hide", "danmaku_show", "danmaku_hide", "danmaku_clear", "danmaku_loaded", "danmaku_send", "danmaku_opacity", "contextmenu_show", "contextmenu_hide", "notice_show", "notice_hide", "quality_start", "quality_end", "destroy", "resize", "fullscreen", "fullscreen_cancel", "webfullscreen", "webfullscreen_cancel", "subtitle_show", "subtitle_hide", "subtitle_change"] } return a(e, [{ key: "on", value: function(e, t) { this.type(e) && "function" == typeof t && (this.events[e] || (this.events[e] = []), this.events[e].push(t)) } }, { key: "trigger", value: function(e, t) { if (this.events[e] && this.events[e].length) for (var n = 0; n < this.events[e].length; n++) this.events[e][n](t) } }, { key: "type", value: function(e) { return -1 !== this.playerEvents.indexOf(e) ? "player" : -1 !== this.videoEvents.indexOf(e) ? "video" : (console.error("Unknown event name: " + e), null) } }]), e }(); t.default = o } , function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function i(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var a = function() { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var i = t[n]; i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value"in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, i.key, i) } } return function(t, n, i) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), i && e(t, i), t } }() , o = n(0) , s = function(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e } }(o) , r = function() { function e(t) { var n = this; i(this, e), this.player = t, this.player.events.on("webfullscreen", function() { n.player.resize() }), this.player.events.on("webfullscreen_cancel", function() { n.player.resize(), s.default.setScrollPosition(n.lastScrollPosition) }); var a = function() { n.player.resize(), n.isFullScreen("browser") ? n.player.events.trigger("fullscreen") : (s.default.setScrollPosition(n.lastScrollPosition), n.player.events.trigger("fullscreen_cancel")) }; this.player.container.addEventListener("fullscreenchange", a), this.player.container.addEventListener("mozfullscreenchange", a), this.player.container.addEventListener("webkitfullscreenchange", a) } return a(e, [{ key: "isFullScreen", value: function() { switch (arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : "browser") { case "browser": return document.fullscreenElement || document.mozFullScreenElement || document.webkitFullscreenElement; case "web": return this.player.container.classList.contains("leleplayer-fulled") } } }, { key: "request", value: function() { var e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : "browser" , t = "browser" === e ? "web" : "browser" , n = this.isFullScreen(t); switch (n || (this.lastScrollPosition = s.default.getScrollPosition()), e) { case "browser": this.player.container.requestFullscreen ? this.player.container.requestFullscreen() : this.player.container.mozRequestFullScreen ? this.player.container.mozRequestFullScreen() : this.player.container.webkitRequestFullscreen ? this.player.container.webkitRequestFullscreen() : this.player.video.webkitEnterFullscreen && this.player.video.webkitEnterFullscreen(); break; case "web": // 进入画中画 if (document.pictureInPictureEnabled == true) { if (document.getElementById('enterhzh') != null) { document.getElementById('enterhzh').addEventListener('click', ()=>{ lelevideo.requestPictureInPicture().catch(error=>{ console.log(error); } ); } ); document.getElementById('enterhzh').id = "exithzh"; // 进入画中画模式时候执行 lelevideo.addEventListener('enterpictureinpicture', function() { $('head').append(''); }); lelevideo.addEventListener('leavepictureinpicture', function() { $('head').append(''); }); } } else { layer.msg('抱歉,当前浏览器不支持画中画功能', { time: 3000 }); } } n && this.cancel(t) } }, { key: "cancel", value: function() { switch (arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : "browser") { case "browser": document.cancelFullScreen ? document.cancelFullScreen() : document.mozCancelFullScreen ? document.mozCancelFullScreen() : document.webkitCancelFullScreen && document.webkitCancelFullScreen(); break; case "web": // 退出画中画 if (document.pictureInPictureEnabled == true) { if (document.getElementById('exithzh') != null) { document.getElementById('exithzh').addEventListener('click', ()=>{ document.exitPictureInPicture().catch(error=>{ console.log(error); } ); } ); document.getElementById('exithzh').id = "enterhzh"; } } else { layer.msg('抱歉,当前浏览器不支持画中画功能', { time: 3000 }); } } } }, { key: "toggle", value: function() { var e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : "browser"; this.isFullScreen(e) ? this.cancel(e) : this.request(e) } }]), e }(); t.default = r } , function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function i(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var a = function() { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var i = t[n]; i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value"in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, i.key, i) } } return function(t, n, i) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), i && e(t, i), t } }() , o = n(0) , s = function(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e } }(o) , r = function() { function e(t) { i(this, e), this.storageName = { opacity: "leleplayer-danmaku-opacity", volume: "leleplayer-volume", unlimited: "leleplayer-danmaku-unlimited", danmaku: "leleplayer-danmaku-show", subtitle: "leleplayer-subtitle-show" }, this.default = { opacity: .7, volume: t.options.volume || .7, unlimited: (t.options.danmaku && t.options.danmaku.unlimited ? 1 : 0) || 0, danmaku: 1, subtitle: 1 }, this.data = {}, this.init() } return a(e, [{ key: "init", value: function() { for (var e in this.storageName) { var t = this.storageName[e]; this.data[e] = parseFloat(s.default.storage.get(t) || this.default[e]) } } }, { key: "get", value: function(e) { return this.data[e] } }, { key: "set", value: function(e, t) { this.data[e] = t, s.default.storage.set(this.storageName[e], t) } }]), e }(); t.default = r } , function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function i(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var a = function() { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var i = t[n]; i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value"in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, i.key, i) } } return function(t, n, i) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), i && e(t, i), t } }() , o = function() { function e(t, n, a, o) { i(this, e), this.container = t, this.video = n, this.options = a, this.events = o, this.init() } return a(e, [{ key: "init", value: function() { var e = this; if (this.container.style.fontSize = this.options.fontSize, this.container.style.bottom = this.options.bottom, this.container.style.color = this.options.color, this.video.textTracks && this.video.textTracks[0]) { var t = this.video.textTracks[0]; t.oncuechange = function() { var n = t.activeCues[0]; if (n) { e.container.innerHTML = ""; var i = document.createElement("p"); i.appendChild(n.getCueAsHTML()), e.container.appendChild(i) } else e.container.innerHTML = ""; e.events.trigger("subtitle_change") } } } }, { key: "show", value: function() { this.container.classList.remove("leleplayer-subtitle-hide"), this.events.trigger("subtitle_show") } }, { key: "hide", value: function() { this.container.classList.add("leleplayer-subtitle-hide"), this.events.trigger("subtitle_hide") } }, { key: "toggle", value: function() { this.container.classList.contains("leleplayer-subtitle-hide") ? this.show() : this.hide() } }]), e }(); t.default = o } , function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function i(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var a = function() { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var i = t[n]; i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value"in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, i.key, i) } } return function(t, n, i) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), i && e(t, i), t } }() , o = function() { function e(t) { i(this, e), this.elements = {}, this.elements.volume = t.volumeBar, this.elements.played = t.playedBar, this.elements.loaded = t.loadedBar, this.elements.danmaku = t.danmakuOpacityBar } return a(e, [{ key: "set", value: function(e, t, n) { t = Math.max(t, 0), t = Math.min(t, 1), this.elements[e].style[n] = 100 * t + "%" } }, { key: "get", value: function(e) { return parseFloat(this.elements[e].style.width) / 100 } }]), e }(); t.default = o } , function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function i(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var a = function() { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var i = t[n]; i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value"in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, i.key, i) } } return function(t, n, i) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), i && e(t, i), t } }() , o = n(0) , s = function(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e } }(o) , r = function() { function e(t) { i(this, e), this.player = t, window.requestAnimationFrame = function() { return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(e) { window.setTimeout(e, 1e3 / 60) } }(), this.types = ["loading", "progress", "info", "fps"], this.init() } return a(e, [{ key: "init", value: function() { for (var e = 0; e < this.types.length; e++) { var t = this.types[e]; "fps" !== t && this["init" + t + "Checker"]() } } }, { key: "initloadingChecker", value: function() { var e = this , t = 0 , n = 0 , i = !1; this.loadingChecker = setInterval(function() { e.enableloadingChecker && (n = e.player.video.currentTime, i || n !== t || e.player.video.paused || (e.player.container.classList.add("leleplayer-loading"), i = !0), i && n > t && !e.player.video.paused && (e.player.container.classList.remove("leleplayer-loading"), i = !1), t = n) }, 100) } }, { key: "initprogressChecker", value: function() { var e = this; this.progressChecker = setInterval(function() { if (e.enableprogressChecker) { e.player.bar.set("played", e.player.video.currentTime / e.player.video.duration, "width"); var t = s.default.secondToTime(e.player.video.currentTime); e.player.template.ptime.innerHTML !== t && (e.player.template.ptime.innerHTML = s.default.secondToTime(e.player.video.currentTime)) } }, 100) } }, { key: "initfpsChecker", value: function() { var e = this; window.requestAnimationFrame(function() { if (e.enablefpsChecker) if (e.initfpsChecker(), e.fpsStart) { e.fpsIndex++; var t = new Date; t - e.fpsStart > 1e3 && (e.player.infoPanel.fps(e.fpsIndex / (t - e.fpsStart) * 1e3), e.fpsStart = new Date, e.fpsIndex = 0) } else e.fpsStart = new Date, e.fpsIndex = 0; else e.fpsStart = 0, e.fpsIndex = 0 }) } }, { key: "initinfoChecker", value: function() { var e = this; this.infoChecker = setInterval(function() { e.enableinfoChecker && e.player.infoPanel.update() }, 1e3) } }, { key: "enable", value: function(e) { this["enable" + e + "Checker"] = !0, "fps" === e && this.initfpsChecker() } }, { key: "disable", value: function(e) { this["enable" + e + "Checker"] = !1 } }, { key: "destroy", value: function(e) { this[e + "Checker"] && clearInterval(this[e + "Checker"]) } }]), e }(); t.default = r } , function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function i(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var a = function() { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var i = t[n]; i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value"in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, i.key, i) } } return function(t, n, i) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), i && e(t, i), t } }() , o = function() { function e(t) { var n = this; i(this, e), this.container = t, this.container.addEventListener("animationend", function() { n.container.classList.remove("leleplayer-bezel-transition") }) } return a(e, [{ key: "switch", value: function(e) { this.container.innerHTML = e, this.container.classList.add("leleplayer-bezel-transition") } }]), e }(); t.default = o } , function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function i(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e } } function a(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var o = function() { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var i = t[n]; i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value"in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, i.key, i) } } return function(t, n, i) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), i && e(t, i), t } }() , s = n(0) , r = i(s) , l = n(44) , c = i(l) , u = n(2) , d = i(u) , p = function() { function e(t) { var n = this; a(this, e), this.player = t, this.autoHideTimer = 0, r.default.isMobile || (this.player.container.addEventListener("mousemove", function() { n.setAutoHide() }), this.player.container.addEventListener("click", function() { n.setAutoHide() }), this.player.on("play", function() { n.setAutoHide() }), this.player.on("pause", function() { n.setAutoHide() })), this.initPlayButton(), this.initThumbnails(), this.initPlayedBar(), this.initFullButton(), this.initQualityButton(), this.initScreenshotButton(), this.initSubtitleButton(), r.default.isMobile || this.initVolumeButton() } return o(e, [{ key: "initPlayButton", value: function() { var e = this; this.player.template.playButton.addEventListener("click", function() { e.player.toggle() }), r.default.isMobile ? (this.player.template.videoWrap.addEventListener("click", function() { e.toggle() }), this.player.template.controllerMask.addEventListener("click", function() { e.toggle() })) : (this.player.template.videoWrap.addEventListener("click", function() { e.player.toggle() }), this.player.template.controllerMask.addEventListener("click", function() { e.player.toggle() })) } }, { key: "initThumbnails", value: function() { var e = this; this.player.options.video.thumbnails && (this.thumbnails = new c.default({ container: this.player.template.barPreview, barWidth: this.player.template.barWrap.offsetWidth, url: this.player.options.video.thumbnails, events: this.player.events }), this.player.on("loadedmetadata", function() { e.thumbnails.resize(160, e.player.video.videoHeight / e.player.video.videoWidth * 160) })) } }, { key: "initPlayedBar", value: function() { var e = this , t = function(t) { var n = ((t.clientX || t.changedTouches[0].clientX) - r.default.getElementViewLeft(e.player.template.playedBarWrap)) / e.player.template.playedBarWrap.clientWidth; n = Math.max(n, 0), n = Math.min(n, 1), e.player.bar.set("played", n, "width"), e.player.template.ptime.innerHTML = r.default.secondToTime(n * e.player.video.duration) } , n = function n(i) { document.removeEventListener(r.default.nameMap.dragEnd, n), document.removeEventListener(r.default.nameMap.dragMove, t); var a = ((i.clientX || i.changedTouches[0].clientX) - r.default.getElementViewLeft(e.player.template.playedBarWrap)) / e.player.template.playedBarWrap.clientWidth; a = Math.max(a, 0), a = Math.min(a, 1), e.player.bar.set("played", a, "width"), e.player.seek(e.player.bar.get("played") * e.player.video.duration), e.player.time.enable("progress") }; this.player.template.playedBarWrap.addEventListener(r.default.nameMap.dragStart, function() { e.player.time.disable("progress"), document.addEventListener(r.default.nameMap.dragMove, t), document.addEventListener(r.default.nameMap.dragEnd, n) }), this.player.template.playedBarWrap.addEventListener(r.default.nameMap.dragMove, function(t) { if (e.player.video.duration) { var n = r.default.cumulativeOffset(e.player.template.playedBarWrap).left , i = (t.clientX || t.changedTouches[0].clientX) - n; if (i < 0 || i > e.player.template.playedBarWrap.offsetWidth) return; var a = e.player.video.duration * (i / e.player.template.playedBarWrap.offsetWidth); r.default.isMobile && e.thumbnails && e.thumbnails.show(), e.thumbnails && e.thumbnails.move(i), e.player.template.playedBarTime.style.left = i - 20 + "px", e.player.template.playedBarTime.innerText = r.default.secondToTime(a), e.player.template.playedBarTime.classList.remove("hidden") } }), this.player.template.playedBarWrap.addEventListener(r.default.nameMap.dragEnd, function() { r.default.isMobile && e.thumbnails && e.thumbnails.hide() }), r.default.isMobile || (this.player.template.playedBarWrap.addEventListener("mouseenter", function() { e.player.video.duration && (e.thumbnails && e.thumbnails.show(), e.player.template.playedBarTime.classList.remove("hidden")) }), this.player.template.playedBarWrap.addEventListener("mouseleave", function() { e.player.video.duration && (e.thumbnails && e.thumbnails.hide(), e.player.template.playedBarTime.classList.add("hidden")) })) } }, { key: "initFullButton", value: function() { var e = this; this.player.template.browserFullButton.addEventListener("click", function() { e.player.fullScreen.toggle("browser") }), this.player.template.webFullButton.addEventListener("click", function() { e.player.fullScreen.toggle("web") }) } }, { key: "initVolumeButton", value: function() { var e = this , t = function(t) { var n = t || window.event , i = ((n.clientX || n.changedTouches[0].clientX) - r.default.getElementViewLeft(e.player.template.volumeBarWrap) - 5.5) / 35; e.player.volume(i) } , n = function n() { document.removeEventListener(r.default.nameMap.dragEnd, n), document.removeEventListener(r.default.nameMap.dragMove, t), e.player.template.volumeButton.classList.remove("leleplayer-volume-active") }; this.player.template.volumeBarWrapWrap.addEventListener("click", function(t) { var n = t || window.event , i = ((n.clientX || n.changedTouches[0].clientX) - r.default.getElementViewLeft(e.player.template.volumeBarWrap) - 5.5) / 35; e.player.volume(i) }), this.player.template.volumeBarWrapWrap.addEventListener(r.default.nameMap.dragStart, function() { document.addEventListener(r.default.nameMap.dragMove, t), document.addEventListener(r.default.nameMap.dragEnd, n), e.player.template.volumeButton.classList.add("leleplayer-volume-active") }), this.player.template.volumeIcon.addEventListener("click", function() { e.player.video.muted ? (e.player.video.muted = !1, e.player.switchVolumeIcon(), e.player.bar.set("volume", e.player.volume(), "width")) : (e.player.video.muted = !0, e.player.template.volumeIcon.innerHTML = d.default.volumeOff, e.player.bar.set("volume", 0, "width")) }) } }, { key: "initQualityButton", value: function() { var e = this; this.player.options.video.quality && this.player.template.qualityList.addEventListener("click", function(t) { t.target.classList.contains("leleplayer-quality-item") && e.player.switchQuality(t.target.dataset.index) }) } }, { key: "initScreenshotButton", value: function() { var e = this; this.player.options.screenshot && this.player.template.camareButton.addEventListener("click", function() { var t = document.createElement("canvas"); t.width = e.player.video.videoWidth, t.height = e.player.video.videoHeight, t.getContext("2d").drawImage(e.player.video, 0, 0, t.width, t.height); var n = t.toDataURL(); e.player.template.camareButton.href = n, e.player.template.camareButton.download = "video.png", e.player.events.trigger("screenshot", n) }) } }, { key: "initSubtitleButton", value: function() { var e = this; this.player.options.subtitle && (this.player.events.on("subtitle_show", function() { e.player.template.subtitleButton.dataset.balloon = e.player.tran("Hide subtitle"), e.player.template.subtitleButtonInner.style.opacity = "", e.player.user.set("subtitle", 1) }), this.player.events.on("subtitle_hide", function() { e.player.template.subtitleButton.dataset.balloon = e.player.tran("Show subtitle"), e.player.template.subtitleButtonInner.style.opacity = "0.4", e.player.user.set("subtitle", 0) }), this.player.template.subtitleButton.addEventListener("click", function() { e.player.subtitle.toggle() })) } }, { key: "setAutoHide", value: function() { var e = this; this.show(), clearTimeout(this.autoHideTimer), this.autoHideTimer = setTimeout(function() { !e.player.video.played.length || e.player.paused || e.disableAutoHide || e.hide() }, 3e3) } }, { key: "show", value: function() { this.player.container.classList.remove("leleplayer-hide-controller") } }, { key: "hide", value: function() { this.player.container.classList.add("leleplayer-hide-controller"), this.player.setting.hide(), this.player.comment && this.player.comment.hide() } }, { key: "isShow", value: function() { return !this.player.container.classList.contains("leleplayer-hide-controller") } }, { key: "toggle", value: function() { this.isShow() ? this.hide() : this.show() } }, { key: "destroy", value: function() { clearTimeout(this.autoHideTimer) } }]), e }(); t.default = p } , function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function i(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var a = function() { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var i = t[n]; i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value"in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, i.key, i) } } return function(t, n, i) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), i && e(t, i), t } }() , o = function() { function e(t) { i(this, e), this.container = t.container, this.barWidth = t.barWidth, this.container.style.backgroundImage = "url('" + t.url + "')", this.events = t.events } return a(e, [{ key: "resize", value: function(e, t) { this.container.style.width = e + "px", this.container.style.height = t + "px", this.container.style.top = 2 - t + "px" } }, { key: "show", value: function() { this.container.style.display = "block", this.events && this.events.trigger("thumbnails_show") } }, { key: "move", value: function(e) { this.container.style.backgroundPosition = "-" + 160 * (Math.ceil(e / this.barWidth * 100) - 1) + "px 0", this.container.style.left = e - this.container.offsetWidth / 2 + "px" } }, { key: "hide", value: function() { this.container.style.display = "none", this.events && this.events.trigger("thumbnails_hide") } }]), e }(); t.default = o } , function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function i(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var a = function() { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var i = t[n]; i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value"in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, i.key, i) } } return function(t, n, i) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), i && e(t, i), t } }() , o = n(0) , s = function(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e } }(o) , r = function() { function e(t) { var n = this; i(this, e), this.player = t, this.player.template.mask.addEventListener("click", function() { n.hide() }), this.player.template.settingButton.addEventListener("click", function() { n.show() }), this.loop = this.player.options.loop, this.player.template.loopToggle.checked = this.loop, this.player.template.loop.addEventListener("click", function() { n.player.template.loopToggle.checked = !n.player.template.loopToggle.checked, n.player.template.loopToggle.checked ? n.loop = !0 : n.loop = !1, n.hide() }), this.showDanmaku = this.player.user.get("danmaku"), this.showDanmaku || this.player.danmaku && this.player.danmaku.hide(), this.player.template.showDanmakuToggle.checked = this.showDanmaku, this.player.template.showDanmaku.addEventListener("click", function() { n.player.template.showDanmakuToggle.checked = !n.player.template.showDanmakuToggle.checked, n.player.template.showDanmakuToggle.checked ? (n.showDanmaku = !0, n.player.danmaku.show()) : (n.showDanmaku = !1, n.player.danmaku.hide()), n.player.user.set("danmaku", n.showDanmaku ? 1 : 0), n.hide() }), this.unlimitDanmaku = this.player.user.get("unlimited"), this.player.template.unlimitDanmakuToggle.checked = this.unlimitDanmaku, this.player.template.unlimitDanmaku.addEventListener("click", function() { n.player.template.unlimitDanmakuToggle.checked = !n.player.template.unlimitDanmakuToggle.checked, n.player.template.unlimitDanmakuToggle.checked ? (n.unlimitDanmaku = !0, n.player.danmaku.unlimit(!0)) : (n.unlimitDanmaku = !1, n.player.danmaku.unlimit(!1)), n.player.user.set("unlimited", n.unlimitDanmaku ? 1 : 0), n.hide() }), this.player.template.speed.addEventListener("click", function() { n.player.template.settingBox.classList.add("leleplayer-setting-box-narrow"), n.player.template.settingBox.classList.add("leleplayer-setting-box-speed") }); for (var a = 0; a < this.player.template.speedItem.length; a++) !function(e) { n.player.template.speedItem[e].addEventListener("click", function() { n.player.speed(n.player.template.speedItem[e].dataset.speed), n.hide() }) }(a); if (this.player.danmaku) { this.player.on("danmaku_opacity", function(e) { n.player.bar.set("danmaku", e, "width"), n.player.user.set("opacity", e) }), this.player.danmaku.opacity(this.player.user.get("opacity")); var o = function(e) { var t = e || window.event , i = ((t.clientX || t.changedTouches[0].clientX) - s.default.getElementViewLeft(n.player.template.danmakuOpacityBarWrap)) / 130; i = Math.max(i, 0), i = Math.min(i, 1), n.player.danmaku.opacity(i) } , r = function e() { document.removeEventListener(s.default.nameMap.dragEnd, e), document.removeEventListener(s.default.nameMap.dragMove, o), n.player.template.danmakuOpacityBox.classList.remove("leleplayer-setting-danmaku-active") }; this.player.template.danmakuOpacityBarWrapWrap.addEventListener("click", function(e) { var t = e || window.event , i = ((t.clientX || t.changedTouches[0].clientX) - s.default.getElementViewLeft(n.player.template.danmakuOpacityBarWrap)) / 130; i = Math.max(i, 0), i = Math.min(i, 1), n.player.danmaku.opacity(i) }), this.player.template.danmakuOpacityBarWrapWrap.addEventListener(s.default.nameMap.dragStart, function() { document.addEventListener(s.default.nameMap.dragMove, o), document.addEventListener(s.default.nameMap.dragEnd, r), n.player.template.danmakuOpacityBox.classList.add("leleplayer-setting-danmaku-active") }) } } return a(e, [{ key: "hide", value: function() { var e = this; this.player.template.settingBox.classList.remove("leleplayer-setting-box-open"), this.player.template.mask.classList.remove("leleplayer-mask-show"), setTimeout(function() { e.player.template.settingBox.classList.remove("leleplayer-setting-box-narrow"), e.player.template.settingBox.classList.remove("leleplayer-setting-box-speed") }, 300), this.player.controller.disableAutoHide = !1 } }, { key: "show", value: function() { this.player.template.settingBox.classList.add("leleplayer-setting-box-open"), this.player.template.mask.classList.add("leleplayer-mask-show"), this.player.controller.disableAutoHide = !0 } }]), e }(); t.default = r } , function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function i(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var a = function() { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var i = t[n]; i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value"in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, i.key, i) } } return function(t, n, i) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), i && e(t, i), t } }() , o = function() { function e(t) { var n = this; i(this, e), this.player = t, this.player.template.mask.addEventListener("click", function() { n.hide() }), this.player.template.commentButton.addEventListener("click", function() { n.show() }), this.player.template.lelecomment.addEventListener("click", function() { n.show() }), this.player.template.commentSettingButton.addEventListener("click", function() { n.toggleSetting() }), this.player.template.commentColorSettingBox.addEventListener("click", function() { if (n.player.template.commentColorSettingBox.querySelector("input:checked+span")) { var e = n.player.template.commentColorSettingBox.querySelector("input:checked").value; n.player.template.commentSettingFill.style.fill = e, n.player.template.commentInput.style.color = e, n.player.template.commentSendFill.style.fill = e } }), this.player.template.commentInput.addEventListener("click", function() { n.hideSetting() }), this.player.template.commentInput.addEventListener("keydown", function(e) { 13 === (e || window.event).keyCode && n.send() }), this.player.template.commentSendButton.addEventListener("click", function() { n.send() }) } return a(e, [{ key: "show", value: function() { this.player.controller.disableAutoHide = !0, this.player.template.controller.classList.add("leleplayer-controller-comment"), this.player.template.mask.classList.add("leleplayer-mask-show"), this.player.container.classList.add("leleplayer-show-controller"), this.player.template.commentInput.focus() } }, { key: "hide", value: function() { this.player.template.controller.classList.remove("leleplayer-controller-comment"), this.player.template.mask.classList.remove("leleplayer-mask-show"), this.player.container.classList.remove("leleplayer-show-controller"), this.player.controller.disableAutoHide = !1, this.hideSetting() } }, { key: "showSetting", value: function() { this.player.template.commentSettingBox.classList.add("leleplayer-comment-setting-open") } }, { key: "hideSetting", value: function() { this.player.template.commentSettingBox.classList.remove("leleplayer-comment-setting-open") } }, { key: "toggleSetting", value: function() { this.player.template.commentSettingBox.classList.contains("leleplayer-comment-setting-open") ? this.hideSetting() : this.showSetting() } }, { key: "send", value: function() { var e = this; if (this.player.template.commentInput.blur(), !this.player.template.commentInput.value.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "")) return void this.player.notice(this.player.tran("Please input danmaku content!")); this.player.danmaku.send({ text: this.player.template.commentInput.value, color: this.player.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-comment-setting-color input:checked").value, type: this.player.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-comment-setting-type input:checked").value, size: this.player.container.querySelector(".leleplayer-comment-setting-font input:checked").value }, function() { e.player.template.commentInput.value = "", e.hide() }) } }]), e }(); t.default = o } , function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function i(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var a = function e(t) { i(this, e), t.options.hotkey && document.addEventListener("keydown", function(e) { if (t.focus) { var n = document.activeElement.tagName.toUpperCase() , i = document.activeElement.getAttribute("contenteditable"); if ("INPUT" !== n && "TEXTAREA" !== n && "" !== i && "true" !== i) { var a = e || window.event , o = void 0; switch (a.keyCode) { case 32: a.preventDefault(), t.toggle(); break; case 37: a.preventDefault(), t.seek(t.video.currentTime - 5), t.controller.setAutoHide(); break; case 39: a.preventDefault(), t.seek(t.video.currentTime + 5), t.controller.setAutoHide(); break; case 38: a.preventDefault(), o = t.volume() + .1, t.volume(o); break; case 40: a.preventDefault(), o = t.volume() - .1, t.volume(o) } } } }), document.addEventListener("keydown", function(e) { switch ((e || window.event).keyCode) { case 27: t.fullScreen.isFullScreen("web") && t.fullScreen.cancel("web") } }) }; t.default = a } , function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function i(e) { if (Array.isArray(e)) { for (var t = 0, n = Array(e.length); t < e.length; t++) n[t] = e[t]; return n } return Array.from(e) } function a(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var o = function() { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var i = t[n]; i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value"in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, i.key, i) } } return function(t, n, i) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), i && e(t, i), t } }() , s = function() { function e(t) { var n = this; a(this, e), this.player = t, [].concat(i(this.player.template.menuItem)).map(function(e, t) { return n.player.options.contextmenu[t].click && e.addEventListener("click", function() { n.player.options.contextmenu[t].click(n.player), n.hide() }), e }), this.player.container.addEventListener("contextmenu", function(e) { var t = e || window.event; t.preventDefault(); var i = n.player.container.getBoundingClientRect(); n.show(t.clientX - i.left, t.clientY - i.top), n.player.template.mask.addEventListener("click", function() { n.hide() }) }) } return o(e, [{ key: "show", value: function(e, t) { this.player.template.menu.classList.add("leleplayer-menu-show"); var n = this.player.container.getBoundingClientRect(); e + this.player.template.menu.offsetWidth >= n.width ? (this.player.template.menu.style.right = n.width - e + "px", this.player.template.menu.style.left = "initial") : (this.player.template.menu.style.left = e + "px", this.player.template.menu.style.right = "initial"), t + this.player.template.menu.offsetHeight >= n.height ? (this.player.template.menu.style.bottom = n.height - t + "px", this.player.template.menu.style.top = "initial") : (this.player.template.menu.style.top = t + "px", this.player.template.menu.style.bottom = "initial"), this.player.template.mask.classList.add("leleplayer-mask-show"), this.player.events.trigger("contextmenu_show") } }, { key: "hide", value: function() { this.player.template.mask.classList.remove("leleplayer-mask-show"), this.player.template.menu.classList.remove("leleplayer-menu-show"), this.player.events.trigger("contextmenu_hide") } }]), e }(); t.default = s } , function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function i(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var a = function() { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var i = t[n]; i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value"in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, i.key, i) } } return function(t, n, i) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), i && e(t, i), t } }() , o = function() { function e(t) { var n = this; i(this, e), this.container = t.template.infoPanel, this.template = t.template, this.video = t.video, this.player = t, this.template.infoPanelClose.addEventListener("click", function() { n.hide() }) } return a(e, [{ key: "show", value: function() { this.beginTime = Date.now(), this.update(), this.player.time.enable("info"), this.player.time.enable("fps"), this.container.classList.remove("leleplayer-info-panel-hide") } }, { key: "hide", value: function() { this.player.time.disable("info"), this.player.time.disable("fps"), this.container.classList.add("leleplayer-info-panel-hide") } }, { key: "triggle", value: function() { this.container.classList.contains("leleplayer-info-panel-hide") ? this.show() : this.hide() } }, { key: "update", value: function() { function formatTime(a) { return [parseInt(a / 60 / 60), parseInt(a / 60 % 60), parseInt(a % 60)].join(":").replace(/\b(\d)\b/g, "0$1") } this.template.infoVersion.innerHTML = "1.0.8", this.template.infoType.innerHTML = this.player.type, this.template.infoUrl.innerHTML = this.player.options.video.url, this.template.infoResolution.innerHTML = this.player.video.videoWidth + " x " + this.player.video.videoHeight, this.template.infoDuration.innerHTML = formatTime(this.player.video.duration), this.player.options.danmaku && (this.template.infoDanmakuId.innerHTML = this.player.options.danmaku.id, this.template.infoDanmakuApi.innerHTML = this.player.options.danmaku.api, this.template.infoDanmakuAmount.innerHTML = this.player.danmaku.dan.length - 2) } }, { key: "fps", value: function(e) { this.template.infoFPS.innerHTML = "" + e.toFixed(1) } }]), e }(); t.default = o } ]).default }); var leleck = { set: function(a, b) { window.sessionStorage.setItem(a, b) }, get: function(a) { return window.sessionStorage.getItem(a) }, del: function(a) { window.sessionStorage.removeItem(a) }, clear: function(a) { window.sessionStorage.clear() } };